Become a Valued Partner

We know that creating lasting change is a team sport, we believe every player in the supply chain can make a difference at the farm level.

Three farmers in coveralls and baseball caps hold clipboards in front of a herd of cows.

Our partners play a vital role in our mission. Your commitment has the potential to make a profound difference in the lives of so many animals.

What are the benefits of a Kinder Ground partnership?

As a partner in compassion Kinder Ground, you can help deliver on your responsibility to improve the lives of millions of animals every day and into the future. Kinder Ground understands that lasting change is created one farm at a time, requires meeting farmers where they are at, building trust and staying the course. Working with farms directly we can connect the dots from farm to table.

Funding Allocation

Kinder Ground has committed that 100% of on-line donations received are dedicated to support our projects. Check out our annual reports to see our operating budget and how we manage funds from our partners.

Kinder Ground Foundation Endowment funds are used specifically to fund the management of Kinder Ground. Endowment funds will be managed to protect the principal, and grow over time, to make increasing payouts to fund the mission. The dedicated endowment enables Kinder Ground’s promise to dedicate 100% of its on-line donations and gifts to projects. A core belief of Kinder Ground is that everyone has to have skin in the game. Our founders provided initial project funds and have committed to volunteering their time until the foundation’s endowment can support general business expenses and salaried positions dedicated to managing Kinder Ground projects.

A pie chart shows $55,000 in project funds divided into 4% for education, 7% for comfort/housing, 5% for animal technology, and 84% for potential additional grants.
A pie chart showing $50,000 in operating expenses from founder seed money divided into 44% in savings, 5% for events, 14% for admin expenses, 37% for IT/web services, 0% in salaries and 0% for fundraising.
A group of black, brown and white cows with yellow tags in their ears stand in a grassy field with a blue sky behind them.

Our Financials

In the spirit of complete transparency, we are pleased to make available all our annual financial statements.

Become a Partner

If you are interested in becoming a partner, please give us a shout.

A black and white stone decoration depicts a rooster on top of a pig on top of a cow.

Support farmers. Support animals.

Sleep well knowing that Kinder Ground has a 100% donation guarantee which means your whole contribution goes toward helping farmers & animals.

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