Our Story & Our People
Committed to a constructive and pragmatic approach to change, we know that supporting boots on the ground and having skin in the game is essential. We believe we do better together.

United by a shared commitment to animal welfare, the Kinder Ground team is a devoted group of individuals driven by a clear mission.
Kinder Ground Origins
Kinder Ground grew from a shared vision, applying lessons learned on the farm, at the university and across the supply chain.
Dr. Walker and Dr. Tucker recognized that audits and certification had become common place, but progress in animal welfare had stalled and had encouraged a habit of compliance, not compassion. The supply chain was demanding better but often lacked the expertise or bandwidth to help make it happen. Farmers felt like they were being policed rather than partnered with.
They knew we could do better. Farmers deserved better partners and the animals deserved lives worth living.

Jen Walker, DVM, PhD
Co-founder, Chief Animal Welfare Officer
A veterinarian by trade, with advanced degrees in Epidemiology and Animal Welfare, Ethics, Policy & Law, Dr. Jen’s life’s work is improving the lives of animals in production systems. Leaving traditional practice in 2010 to create change at the corporate level, she has been developing industry leading programs designed to elevate the welfare of dairy cattle and manage risk for the business.
Cassandra Tucker, PhD
Co-founder, Chief Science Officer
Dr. Tucker is the Director of the UC Davis Center for Animal Welfare, and Professor in Animal Science, with over 100 published scientific articles related to the welfare of farmed animals, Dr. Tucker is considered one of the world’s leading cattle welfare scientists. In addition to her work at the university, Dr. Tucker has served PAACO through developing and delivering dairy auditor training. She also serves in an advisory role for industry groups and several corporations in developing positions and programs specific to animal welfare.

Lisa Cranfill, BS
Co-founder, Chief Financial Officer
With over 18 years of experience in corporate finance, having managed the dairy financials for one the largest dairy processors in the country, Lisa is excited to be able to focus her expertise in business and accounting to the transformational work of Kinder Ground.

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